Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The next issue I'd like to highlight is Haiku's inconsistent treatment of type, and peculiar type selection.

The smallest type on the screen is perhaps the most unclear — the most unusual. Why a fixed-width face? I also am not keen on the body face selection, I find it drab, but that's up to personal taste. Here's another option (cursory, not overly well considered):

So, what do you think?

Update: If you like, click on the title or here to view the sample in HTML with some CSS interaction in the navigational elements.


Gavin said...
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Gavin said...

First impression... I like it. It solves one of my main pet peeves, which is the site's over reliance on images where well designed HTML and CSS could just as easily be used.

I think the smaller type is perhaps a touch on the too small side, and if I'm being picky, the icon squares aren't perfectly centered in relation to their labels. On the whole though, a great improvement, and crucially, something tangible we can take and use to better the site!